Live, Online 9 Month Journey

Do you have a heart to serve in a more divinely connected way?
You are receiving this rare invitation to join me in a sacred initiation process.
This journey is designed to ignite your Inner Priestess, awaken the Modern Holy Woman within, and help you remember who you are!
Elemental Priestess will invoke a richer connection in you as a living bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds.
This process is only for high-consciousness visionaries ready to embrace their next level of Divine purpose and spiritual awakening.

This initiation journey is for you and women like you. Women who want to take their connection to their source of divine wisdom to a whole new level.
Nothing comes close to awakening your inner awareness like the priestess archetype.
This initiatory process is not for those wanting to be a priestess just for themselves. It is for the Spirit that wants to activate a deep connection to the Divine for their work in the world as a leader. It’s for women who want to align more deeply with their purpose and impact in order to bring forth more spiritual values for future generations.
This journey is for leaders who may be professionals and entrepreneurs, in technology, finance, investing, politics, medicine, health, spirituality, mental health, working in body awareness modalities. It’s for those who choose to actively influence and impact by bringing the sacred into sustainable systems of all types to build a more generative world.
The priestess is an archetype of feminine spirituality, in the same way a priest functions as a masculine spiritual archetype. She is a woman in her spiritual authority, needing no one to intervene on her behalf as she has a direct connection to the Divine within.
This process is not religious. It connects to your spirituality from the inside out. You may engage in this initiation process as a member of any religion or have a connection to none. You will find women of many religious faiths or those who consider themselves simply spiritual, calling forth their inner priestess. The archetype expresses multi-culturally, in pure spirituality, and in multi-religions.
You choose how to apply
your gifts
As a priestess you may also bring the sacred into form by connecting to Divine energy in your creative pursuits such as dance, art, writing, music, theatre, ceremonies, rituals, and celebrations.
As a priestess, you may choose to counsel and support others in times of crises, transition, healing, and creation assisting through your prayers, meditation, deep listening, or simply by being present and bringing awareness and attentive witnessing to a situation. You may also be a coach, mentor, and leader guiding others to build businesses or teams in corporations.
The priestess within attunes you to the cycles and seasons of Nature, and of life. You may begin to observe and value the relationships between Earth and sky, nature and humanity. Learning from, and working with the natural rhythms of the earth and sky, the sun, moon, and stars. You’ll embody the sacred timings of when to plant seeds, fertilize, call upon the rain, and harvest. And you can apply the natural world principles to growing crops, families, communities, and businesses.
You can reclaim your sacred right to Divine Feminine financial flow. Knowing that you have aligned Spirit and matter when spirituality and money connect. As the priestess archetype awakens within, you increase your inner guidance, knowledge, wisdom, and intuition.
Awakening this archetype internally allows you to release the need for an outer world intermediary to connect to Spirit for you. Working with the Priestess within, you learn to empty your body vessel of all that is no longer needed so you can become the challis or the hollow bone for Spirit to flow through. From this place of receptivity, you can receive the information and subtle vibrations of Spirit and anchor them onto the earth plane, bringing that awareness into everything you engage.
Activate the
During this nine month sacred exploration, you will:

Activate the Inner Priestess

Engage the Inner Psychic Realm

Be guided into a priceless understanding of your Inner Power

Begin to create your life in Alignment with Spirit

Develop a deep connection with the Elemental Forces

Learn to infuse Spirit into Matter, creating abundantly

See how the outer world is reflecting your Inner Self

Learn to travel to the celestial realms to connect with the wisdom of the sun, moon, stars, and planets.

Learn a new way of embodied feminine leadership

Be guided on how to turn up your leadership light and to illuminate a path for others.
- Membership in Sacred Heart Enclave where your recordings will be privately housed
- Elemental Activation Intensives (4)
- Live Zoom group classes 3-4x month
- New Moon and Full Moon Cacao Ceremonies
- Included is the opportunity to become a published author (or add to your author credits) if you carry ancient wisdom you wish to birth into our modern world
- OPTIONAL: Monthly 1:1 Sessions

By the end of this 9 month birthing period, you will:
- Become clear about the next steps to take in your expansion
- Have a new understanding of your divine purpose and potential
- Experience an awakened sense of freedom and purpose
- Understand that all of life is organized around your triumphs and achievements
- Feel worthy, valuable, integrated and balanced between your feminine and masculine embodiment
- Know that all women are called to be Modern Holy Women in their individual way
- Have your heart cracked open – leaving you no choice but to lead from that place
- Know that you can step into your rightful power from a place of open-hearted, compassionate leadership
- Be in active participation with all facets of your divine life
- Feel empowered to play your part in revolutionizing the world and ushering in a new paradigm – in your own delicious way
With Spirit, the priestess-self learns to connect to your essence and bring it forth in the world. You learn to stand in the doorway of the visible and invisible worlds. The priestess teaches you to honor the sacred feminine in right relationship to the sacred masculine, creating a unified presence of the Divine within.
When an initiation journey is consciously begun, it’s vital to the evolution of the person undertaking that they complete the journey. Honestly, and this isn’t an overused metaphor here, I’ve experienced it and witnessed it many, many times…it really is like a caterpillar (your current self) going through the metamorphosis of the chrysalis (the initiation cycle) and emerging as a butterfly (emerging from the transformational process as a priestess leader). This initiation is transformative.
It takes an approximately 9 month process to rebirth into your priestess leader self. It takes time to allow your dissolution, reformation, and emergence to occur. You will know internally if you are called to step into this next level of your priestess leadership. And if you choose to join us, I am honored to hold space for your journey and process.
Important Clarification:
This is not a head learning journey but a soul activation initiation. It is intended for you to activate a deeper level of your own soul knowing, inner awareness, wisdom, life force, and priestess leader essence. It is based on experiences, activations, and integrations. You are a vital key to your journey and as such must engage the initiation fully.